
HeresyLab - Heresy Girls 2.0 resin Scifi miniatures & STL

Created by Heresy Lab

Heresy Girls 2.0 - After the first successful KS they are coming back meaner and more dangerous than before.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Incredible Start and 6 Stretch Goals Unlocked in 14hrs
about 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 03:27:54 AM

First a "BIG" Thank You to all the supporters.

To all the new ones, but also to many old ones, as see I several of you coming back, that is gratifying for me as it means you liked the products you got from the other 3 KS ran in 2018.

A special THANK YOU goes also to all the backers replying and helping me when I can't... 

 CunningNeutrino,  Michael W the  The Collector  just to mention a few.

Incredible Growth

At the current state we more than doubled the amount done by the first HG campaign last year in the same amount of time, and it left me a bit uncovered with graphics and updates.

We just hit the 15K mark unlocking another stretch goal, more are coming and some have been uploaded already.

Stretch Goals Unlocked

4000€ - model 71 is now unlocked and can be choose as a reward.

6500€ - model 72 is now unlocked and can be choose as a reward.

7500€ - model 66 gets a FREE upgrade, model now comes with 2 weapons to choose from. (pic below)

10000€ - all Level 10 and above, now get an extra 7€ credit. They now get 77€ to spend. Lv 11 get 14, Lv 12 get 21 and Lv 13 now get 28 extra credit. Level 13 now has 308€ to spend on the Pledge Manager.

12500€ - model 73 is now unlocked and can be choose as a reward.

15000€ - model 67 gets a FREE upgrade, model now comes with 2 weapons to choose from. (pic below)

more coming...

Pics of model 66 and 67 variants.

If you purchase this model you will get it with both weapons in the package so you can choose your version.  Here some pics on what they now get.

Model 66 - Upgrade option
Model 66 - Upgrade option
Model 67 - Upgrade option
Model 67 - Upgrade option

STL vs resin models

Got several questions asking why this time I set both at the same price. Is pretty simple, last 3 KS I had to spend hours and lost lots of funds in extra shipping to fix problems related to STL files. When given the cheaper option many backers didn't fully read the description and choose STL, and then complained when they didn't get all the models or the expected models. Hours answering emails, hours packing and sorting, hours at the post office and several $ spent in supplies and shipping costs. This time they are equal so if mistaken being the same price it will be easier to change and fix for me.

Later I will create a Special STL pledge. This pledge will be a clone of LV10, but will be only for STL backers. To make up for the price difference from last 2 KS, LV10 STL pledge will get 77€ to spend in the pledge manager instead of 70€ giving them an extra STL file to make up for the price difference. I just hope this will not cause any extra confusion. 

Concept VS Actual questions.

Another issue from past KS was concepts were not matching the actual model, this time we spent extra time and the concept artist and sculptor worked together to make them. 

Of course some difference will be inevitable due to variables like production and functionality but we will try to stay as close as we can. Below the WIP of STALIA DROGAN model 74.



I will limit the updates to one a day if any change is done, not more. I hate to pollute people inbox with them. So UNLOCKED Stretch Goals may show later in the day when unlocked.

Want to HELP US!

Any help is appreciated :) so if you really want to help spread the word of this project on social media, forums, boards and more. It will be greatly appreciated.

Now back to work.. .need to get more graphics ready as we are moving pretty fast.